
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

Schedule of Under 10 Go-Games Blitzes for 2018

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The Go-Games Blitz schedule for our under 10 hurlers for 2018 is as follows:

31 March - Venue To be confirmed
28 April - Venue: Feakle\Killanena
26 May - Venue: Ruan
23 June - Venue: Tulla
11 August - Venue: Sixmilebridge
08 September - Venue: Ennistymon

The Go Games Philosophy promotes skills development and full participation for all players.  Rules include:

Max 10 aside
2 x 12 minute halves
Ground hurling for first 5 mins of each half
Players can rise for remainder of game - solo is not permitted.
A goal is equal one point.
1 point also awarded for skills such as striking a moving ball, 1st time jab rise, hook and block etc.

If you missed registration night earlier in the month you can still register online:

Contact Damien Madigan (085 1275445) if you need to be added to the U10 Text message group.

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