Regeneron 3.15 Limerick Guards 2.16
Regeneron had 2 points to spare over the Limerick guards last night in the Limerick Interfirm Hurling Semi Final to qualify for the final in 2 weeks time against either H&MV Engineering or Limerick Teachers.
Bridge man David O'Connor made his management debut for Regeneron and was joined in his backroom team by Donal Mullins who currently coaches at underage with the Bridge. By the end of the game O'Connor had upgraded himself to player manager as he sprung himself from the bench to try and curb the influence of Tipperary star Paidi Maher. With 10 minutes to go Regeneron trailed by 5 points when the game turned as Maher came out with a trademark burst from defence but this time he was met by a roadblock shoulder by DOC which all in attendance agreed changed the game.
The Bridge were well represented on the winning team with Caimin Morey and Christy Griffin playing big parts in the win while the Morey brothers Danny & Seadna were also part of the winners panel.