
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

2023 AGM Report

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There was a healthy turnout of approximately 40 patrons for the Sixmilebridge Gaa Club AGM in the Hall at O' Garney Park, on Friday evening November 24th last.

Syl O’ Connor was elected as Chairman for his third year. Syl acknowledged the huge work being done in lots of different areas of the club, across Coaching Teams, Field Teams, Development and from within the Executive.

Treasurer John Gaule presented the Treasurers report which showed the club finances in a slight surplus when the accounts were formulated for the Agm, but John pointed out that that surplus is now used up as bills had arrived after the accounts were formulated. Minor club treasurer John Reddin also presented detailed account of the Minor clubs finances.

The secretary's report which had been circulated previously, outlined many of the positive events that occurred in the club during the year such as the Parish League, won by the Mountain, Bingo which still serves our community, the Togging Out initiative which continues to flourish and of course the opening of our new Arena which had a huge attendance on the opening night. On the field of play, the Intermediates reaching the county final was the highlight, the Junior As were very competitive and lost out at semi final stage to eventual champions Broadford. The Junior Bs fared well having just been promoted from Junior C but didn't get out of the group stages. The Seniors also didn't get out of the group stages this year.

There were 522 members in 2023 which is very positive. There were over 60 adult competitive games, not including challenge games in 2023 which is a fantastic offering for all adult players across the various adult grades and and U21 competitions.

The following were elected on the night.
Management Committee 2023
Patron: Fr. Harry Bohan & Fr. Damien Nolan
President: Pat Chaplin
Chairman: Syl O’Connor
Vice Chairman: John McNamara
Secretary: Adrian Hogan
Assistant Secretary: TBC
Treasurer: John Gaule
Assistant Treasurer: Joan Keogh
Registrar: Bernie Conlon
PRO: Ian Chaplin
Assistant PRO: Declan Murphy
Irish Language Officer: Padraig Mac Ghiolla Phádraig
County Board Delegate: Padraig Mac Ghiolla Phádraig
Healthy Club Officer: Brian O' Neill
Childrens Officer: Stephen Corbett

Committee and Management teams will be discussed at next Committee meeting.

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