
Founded 1904


Friends of the Bridge


About Friends of the 'Bridge

Friends of the 'Bridge is a support group of Sixmilebridge GAA club to ensure we continue to provide the best facilities possible for the youth of our community in Sixmilebridge and Kilmurry. This will ensure our all teams continue to prosper in a fun environment and we continue to develop adult players to maintain our proud tradition of success across Clare, Munster and All Ireland competitions.

Our existing development nearing completion in Spring 2021 is our indoor arena - check it out here .



Any business interested in advertising signage in the new arena please get in contact with Syl O' Connor on 087 2453253.



Donate any amount to the Clubs Development fund which is used solely for the development of facilities fot the club and community.


Club Lotto 

For €5 per week you will get 3 entries into the lotto draw which takes place on Monday nights in the GAA Hall at Bingo. The jackpot increases €300 / Week when not won along with 10 Lucky dips selected. All proceeds from the lotto are paid into the club development fund for building a future for the community of Sixmilebridge and Kilmurry. Sign up online here:


Corporate Donation

The stock of Sixmilebridge GAA is always high given the profile of the club and its success on and off the field as well as the many GAA characters associated with the club. Our following across our media channels including Website, App and Social media sees engagement with 20,000 people on a monthly basis providing maximum exposure for your brand.

Sixmilebridge GAA is one of the Irish sporting bodies who have been granted tax exemption under Section 235 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 - Our Club Charitable TAX ID is 2279. If a company donates €250 or more in a year, the company can claim a tax deduction as if the donation was a trading expense.

If you are interested in being associated with the club in any way please contact Adrian (0866479564).


Personal Donation (PAYE Workers)

Sports clubs can reclaim tax from revenue on behalf of the donor. For PAYE workers, who contribute a minimum of €250 per annum, this contribution is paid from post-tax income and it is this tax payment that is reclaimed by the sporting body. It does not cost the donor anything additional but provides a huge benefit to the sporting body. Section 41 of the Finance Act 2002 provides for a scheme of tax relief for relevant donations to an approved sports body for the funding of approved projects.

Sixmilebridge GAA is one of the Irish sporting bodies who have been granted tax exemption under Section 235 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 - Our Club Charitable TAX ID is 2279.

Example – Donation of €590 per year
A donation of €590 to a club from a PAYE taxpayer will be treated as having been received ‘net’ of income tax. This means that a donation from an individual who pays income tax at the higher rate of 41% is worth an additional 72% to the Club. The amount received by the club is calculated as follows:

– Donation / Cost to Donor € 590
- Tax rebate reclaimed by club € 410
- Club receives €1,000

If you are interested in being associated with the club in any way please contact Adrian (0866479564).


Life Membership

We are all proud when asked to say I'm from the Bridge and even prouder to declare or associiation with Sixmilebridge GAA. A lifetime membership for €2,000 is now available so please contact Adrian (0866479564) as this offer is limited to 25 people.  


Memorial Wall

Remembering those who are no longer with us is but who have made us what we are is of huge importance for the club in all we do and the memorial wall in the new arena will allow families to mark the memories of loved ones by including their name on a special memorial granite plaque which will reside inside the arena. (Cost for inclusion on the wall including engraving is €1,000 for life).



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