
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

School PA Talk - Social Media Challenges for Parents & Guardians, Mon 17th June, 7pm

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The Sixmilebridge National School Parents Association have organised a talk by eminent psychologist Dr. Maureen Griffin on the Challenges for Parents & Guardians around Social Media.

The talk is open to all and will be held on Monday June 17th at 7pm in the School Hall.

Dr. Maureen Griffin, forensic psychologist and Director MGMS Training Limited will deliver a presentation "Social Media: Challenges for Parents"

The presentation will cover what is currently popular; what the potential dangers are and offer practical advice on how to protect ourselves and our children online.

Issues such as social networking sites & chatting apps; Live streaming; gaming; grooming; screen-time & sleep; and cyber-bullying will be addressed.

"informative and helpful", "highly recommended", "excellent"
-School Chaplains Association of Ireland

"highly informative, very useful and unexpectedly startling"
- University College Cork Guidance Counsellors Conference

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