
Founded 1904

Co. Clare

TG4 Go Gasta - Filming this Saturday

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The filming of the TG4 Go Gasta programme will be happening this Saturday. (It was supposed to happen last year but has come on us over the last 2 weeks with things opening up)

Our team are:

Adrian Chaplin

Anna O'Doherty

Noel Purcell

Saoirse Young

Ciaran Hassett

Aoibheann McNamara

(Team composition has to be 3 male, 3 female, spread between teens and 40's)

Cratloe will be running from their field to ours between 8-12 and we will be running between 1-5pm approx. with the winners announced straight afterwards in Cratloe.
We don't have the exact route yet but expect to be heading over Rossmanagher. The race is broken up into different sections/stages of 2-3km each with an obstacle course at the end of each section. Enough time is being allowed to cover each section, have time for filming, doing interviews etc

The winner is the team who completes the race overall in the fastest time (last person in)

Martin Conlon and Catriona Scanlon are helping with the "rent-a-crowd" at each station to add a bit of good old SMB colours and noise to support the lads along the way (obeying social distance rules of course), but if any of you are out and about you might cheer them on as well - the more the merrier

Here is a link to the previous episodes if you are wondering what it's all about

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